Dear Mr. Samson (Anonymous),
I am surprised that you took the time to check out my new website. As I recall, your last words to me were " Do not e-mail me back, our business is finished."
I was not familiar with so I had a look. Thank you for pointing out the one typo in the Meta Description. I will have it corrected with the one typo on the website. I took the opportunity to include our only competitor in the Competitive Intelligence section. They scored a "7" and they have been in business for 47 years! My site is at 37 and it has been live a mere six weeks.
I don't really understand your reference to substandard meta info. According to, the only thing they suggest is 10 key words or less. My web page has 11 keywords in its meta data. Hardly a serious problem if you ask me.
I would venture to say that if you had any real skill you would know that my website is not hosted by Blogspot. It is hosted by, one of the TOP hosting companies according to the BBB, TRUSTe, ICANN, and TrustWave. You left your childish comment on my blog, hosted by Blogspot, which has a link to my website.
I am extremely happy with the website Tony built for me. It is beautifully designed with excellent functionality. He included the things I asked for and so much more. Mr. Shams, President of Zyguyz, Inc. is a consummate professional. His skills are verifiable and irrefutable. I would be very interested to see how your education, experience, and resume would fair against his. Mr. Shams also possesses two attributes you are obviously unfamiliar with, honest and integrity. He would never use a public blog to slam another professional and sign it as "Anonymous."
Your little dig, "Guess you get what you pay for!" was what gave you away. I suggest you follow your own suggestion. "Do not contact me again." Our business was finished months ago. Grow up and get over it!
For those of you that read my blog and are confused by this post:
Mr. Samson is a partner with Icon Web Media. I initially dealt with a woman named Lucy about bartering for a website. I sent her the web address of a cake site that I liked. She assured me that they could build something similar for me. I paid the contracted price through PayPal and they built a website for me in Feb 2009. I also paid them a monthly fee to host the site. It was functional, but lacked many of the features that I desired.
Zyguyz was the company that built the site that I liked so much. I contacted them and after several emails, Tony offered to add the items in question free of charge! He told me what he needed from Icon Web Media to make the changes. I contacted them and explained the situation. I assured IWM that I was not changing hosting companies. I was simply trying to take advantage of Mr. Shams' generous offer.
Icon Web Media, specifically Mr. Samson, took my request as a personal insult. I received multiple unprofessional emails, which I still have, from him. He refused to provide a phone number or even his name to discuss the problem! I found his name when I did a bit of sleuthing on the service he set up my hosting with. He refused to release the information, or my website, stating that he owned it and all of the content, including my cake photographs. After two months of email requests, and a consultation with our attorney, he sent a few unusable files to me, took my website down, and sent me the email not to contact him again. He billed my account for hosting after he pulled the website until I filed a complaint and stopped the direct drafts through PayPal.
All in all, it was a very nasty lesson learned. Always, always, always, check out the companies you deal with.
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