I got my son Clint’s Elvis costume done yesterday with hours to spare. His sister did his hair…Elvis on steroids…very big and cartoon like. Picture Elvis meets rock-a-billy meets punk. It suited him perfectly. I didn’t need to make a costume for my youngest son Philip (age 20) because he went as a cowboy. Mind you, he always dresses like a cowboy and I did mention that fact to him. He explained that he looked normal to us “country folks” but in the “big city” he would looked costumed up. Ok…made sense to me. We did the photo op thing and I promised to send copies to their cell phones and emails for later inclusion on facebook, MySpace, and others. I sent them on their way with the usual warnings that drinking, drugs, driving, unsafe sex or any combination of the four being a bad thing. Childless, my hubby, Leon suggested a date night. I suggested dinner and a movie. Twenty miles later (closest town with a theater) we enjoyed great Mexican food and margaritas. Yum! I love frozen strawberry ritas with a salted rim. My honey suggested that I have a second one since I had a designated driver. How could I refuse? An hour later, I was half asleep and headed home, the movie forgotten. Its hell to be old and a light weight drinker. The good news is I got a good night sleep. Not counting the 12 times Leon’s very spoiled rat terrier work me up trying to steal my pillow or cover.
I got up, made the coffee, and spent the entire day (including the extra hour for day light savings) playing with my new iPhone. Finally, electronics easy enough for technologically challenged baby boomers to enjoy! I have everything at my finger tips, phone, email, messaging, great camera, games, internet, and music. Did I mention internet? Imagine, Craig’s List, and eBay programs with their own little icon buttons. One touch and I’m shopping! Now if I can just stop buying applications…
I got up, made the coffee, and spent the entire day (including the extra hour for day light savings) playing with my new iPhone. Finally, electronics easy enough for technologically challenged baby boomers to enjoy! I have everything at my finger tips, phone, email, messaging, great camera, games, internet, and music. Did I mention internet? Imagine, Craig’s List, and eBay programs with their own little icon buttons. One touch and I’m shopping! Now if I can just stop buying applications…
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