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Friday, October 15, 2010

Yahoo! Mail: The best web-based email!

These are a few pictures of the huge sugar showpiece I helped build at the Oklahoma State Fair. The finished dimensions were 28’X30’ and included a multi-storied haunted house, Frank and his bride at their wedding in the graveyard, haunted tree full of bats, spiders, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, a mummy, witch, ghosts, Jack Skellington, and much, much more…all made of tons of cake, butter cream, and fondant!

Yahoo! Mail: The best web-based email!

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Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Won, I Won, I Won !!!!

Just got back from my third Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show and Competition. I competed in the Professional Division this year with five entries in four categories. I was blessed with THREE first place blue ribbons for my efforts!

My hubby Leon entered a tool belt and tools made of cookies in the Adult Beginner Division and took home second place!

Can't wait for next year. I'm gonna bite the bullet and try a grand wedding cake and at least one entry in the masters...

Life is good...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our Brilliant Talking Pug...

OK everyone... I'm sure many of you have seen the cute little dogs screeching out words on YouTube. Some of them are actually pretty good. But you have not heard the best yet! Please go to the link I provide and listen to our pug Frankendumplin' saying "I love you" and "I love you too" to his daddy Leon. He is amazingly clear!

We think he sees Leon as his dad because when we rescued him after he was dumped near our home, he took to my husband like a shadow. He sleeps with him, loves to ride on his lap in the wheelchair, and is the first one up in to the van to go everywhere with him.

Of course he loves me (the momma) just as least until dad rolls in to the room!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If You Build It, They Will Come...

A short year ago I decided to start a wedding cake business. To that end, I began my plan of action, which turned out to be no "plan" at all. I decided on a grand opening date (now long past) and obtained the proper tax numbers from my friendly comptrollers office. Having seen more than my share of back kitchens in our area restaurants I felt confident in what I needed and began construction on my 640 square foot commercial kitchen.

Building on a shoestring "pay as you go" plan requires time and much patience. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am sorely lacking in both requirements. I borrowed, begged, and bought "used" on Craig's List and eBay whenever possible. Over the months I collected commercial ovens, sinks, cabinets, counter tops, light fixtures, ceiling fans, and oh so much more. I spent hours fantasizing about my kitchen. In my mind's eye it would be something straight out of Martha Stewart Magazine's glossy pages! I was so excited!

Then my good friend, and fellow baker, Don Beard told me that I needed a triple sink. I thought he was pulling my leg. Who ever heard of a triple sink and why would I need one to wash a few cake pans? I already had a wonderful Koehler double sink that came with the Corian counter tops that I got for a song off my beloved Craig's list. The thought of giving them up for some hideous stainless steel monstrosity was more than I could bare, so I simply ignored the whole issue.

Eventually, guilt and worry got the best of me and I decided to get the rules from the proper authorities. I called my county health department who told me they had no requirements, and therefore,did no inspections. They told me my little kitchen fell under state rules. I booted up my trusty computer and got busy. I waded through tons of useless and obscure information to find the health department requirements that pertained to my particular type of business. Let me say that this is no easy task! There is no place that says "click here" for commercial kitchen rules. I finally found the dreaded "sink rule."

Sure enough, I needed three compartments, plus a separate hand washing sink. Refusing to give up my Koehler, I called one of the state health inspectors for help. He was a lifesaver! He suggested installing two double sinks side by side and then placing a partition between the third and fourth basins. This would satisfy the requirement of a three compartment sink while creating a "separate" designated hand washing area. That man was brilliant and I told him so!

The taping, floating, and painting is finally done and I am looking for another sink to match the one I have. I have faith that I will find one soon. Meanwhile, I have a wonderful friend that loans me time in her commercial kitchen to fill my cake orders. I really appreciate her generosity but I dream of the day when I can walk the hundred feet out my front door to my own little kitchen.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed, speak, have an opinion, think, or even breathe. I'm sure you have all had them. The days where absolutely anything you do is an excuse for a verbal assault from another. An explosion of unnecessary, unprovoked, unwanted, and undeserved hostility made exponentially worse having been done in front of others.

Today's faux pas was telling my husband how to drive. This consisted of two separate remarks while we were driving to a charity event 35 minutes from our home. The first "you can do 60 now." I only mentioned it because we were already late having made two unscheduled stops for my spouse to sell a motorcycle. He was excitedly talking to me about the bike sale and didn't notice the increase in the speed limit. My second remark was "watch the guy on the bicycle." Once again he was talking with me, looking my way, and the cyclist was in our lane. Apparently that was enough to elicit a loud tirade in front of his friend that went with us. Never mind that I was deeply hurt by this. After all, it was justified. I deserved it.

One little half-hearted apology later, not in the presence of the witness, is supposed to erase all the pain. News flash! It does not. You are still hurt and sad while they think nothing more of their behavior.

At what point do we stop accepting the disrespect? If they do not see what they do as wrong, or at the least feel they had a part in the problem, what comes next? When is enough?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Can't Everyone Just Get Along?

I'm sitting here helping my daughter hash out the agreement between her and her husband for their divorce. Ten years down the drain. I want her to be happy and do whatever it takes to make that happen but it is still very sad.

It seems to be an equitable split. Both of them will retain the house and land splitting the assets and debts equally. He moved into the spare bedroom and they plan to remain living together as roommates. This type arrangement seldom works, but we will see.

I would love to hear from anyone out there that this arrangement worked for. I just can't see continued harmony after the first one brings a new love interest home. Just can't picture them sitting together watching TV and socializing...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Can you spread yourself too thin?

It's 10:16pm Friday night and I'm sitting here wondering, yet again, when I will have time to sleep this weekend. I have two cake orders for Sunday. The first is a full size standing guitar cake for the 8th Annual Tom Webb Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser hosted by Cory Morrow. The second is a sheet cake for a young man turning 18 and headed for college in Nashville.

I allowed adequate time for both projects, then boom, I lose a crown while eating a Jolly Rancher. No problem...I'll call my dentist and have him slap it back on. No such luck! He tells me I've broken the tooth (with the expensive root canal) off below the gum and it had to come out. Can you say oral surgery? OK, not such good news but he was a sweetie to work me in on Monday so I say, "let's do it." Two hours later he says it was one of the most difficult extractions he has ever done. Did I mention he broke the crown on the tooth beside the one he was extracting? Yep. Thanks goodness Leon drove me. We made a "bee line" for the pharmacy to fill the pain medication. The pharmacist mush have realized I was about to "go postal" because they got it filled in record time.

Wednesday rolls around and I have an appointment to get fitted for a replacement for the broken crown ($300+.) Leon asks me if I can drive myself. I think sure, it's only a fitting. In and out. Did you know that a crown "fitting" involves removing the old crown? I didn't. Of course it couldn't come off easily. No sir-ree. He cut, chiseled, and peeled it off only to find a huge cavity under it...below the root line! Filling this involved shoving pieces of cork the size of tree bark deep down in to my gums to separate them from the tooth. Talk about painful! Since he was in the area he also filled cavities on two other teeth on that side. Within five minutes of leaving his office, I was in agonizing pain and my pain medication was at home. I cried all the way across town to pick up a portable air conditioner for my son. I stopped at Walgreen's and overdosed on Ibuprofen, which did little for the pain, and headed home.

Here it is almost midnight two days later and I still cannot go more than four hours without pain medication or my jaw feels like it is exploding. Is that normal? If it is not better by tomorrow I'm calling Clint at home. There are perks to your dentist being married to your daughter's best friend from high school. Full access to home phone numbers!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

That Takes The Cake! Cake & Sugar Art Show & Competition 2010

Here are pictures of the reason for my latest lack of sleep. Sugar Paste Magnolis & Dogwoods. I am entering them in the "sugar not on a cake" division this weekend.

Not Enough Hours in the Day...

When Ginger set this blog up for me, I promised myself that I would be diligent about setting my thoughts to "virtual" paper. But alas, here I am months later, posting at the gentle reminder of my sister-in-law to post or lose my site. The fact is I really enjoy blogging. It helps to clear some of the constant chaos in my mind; set things in a bit of order. Unfortunately, when I try to prioritize my busy schedule, blogging falls at the bottom of my list from sheer necessity.

Husband, kids, animals, two jobs, a new passion for sugar art, and my bodies demand for a few hours sleep keep me keep my days full to over-flowing. I'm not complaining. I'm blessed to be up to the task at 51 years of age.

I guess I just pictured life at 50+ a bit differently. Kids all grown and educated, home paid for, retirement looming, and an RV for hubby and me to run away in. Oh well...guess it's time for a revision. Maybe I'll just bump my game plan to age 55...